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Past Events

Park Mikvah: An Entertaining Evening of CommUNITY.
You will receive a private link to the video in your email.
Event date: April 25, 2021
Mrs. Sivan Rahav Meir at the annual Women’s Melavah Malka
Mrs Debbie Greenblatt 3-Part Lecture
“A Mother’s Prayer / An Everlasting Miracle”

For an audio recording of this event, click here.
“ONE MIKVAH-ONE COMMUNITY- Linking One Generation to the Next”.
On Sunday, June 11, 2017 at Congregation Ahavas Achim, Park Mikvah held a Chanukas Habayis and dessert reception to celebrate the grand opening of the newly renovated, state-of-the-art mikvah!
Our guest speaker was Mrs. Chani Juravel, world renowned lecturer and educator. A scroll listing all donors to the mikvah campaign was displayed at the event. Hostesses: Mrs. Sandra Frankel, Mrs. Judy Schwarzberg, and Mrs. Elana Kurtz; Mrs. Rachel Lefkovits, Mrs. Susan Weisel and Mrs. Chani Weisel; Mrs. Esther Posen and Mrs. Shana Cohn; Mrs. Esther Rosenberg and Mrs. Ruchy Rosenberg; Mrs. Sheila Schanzer, Dr. Riki Kreitman and Mrs. Cheryl Zeffren, Mrs. Michelle Schanzer, Dr. Felice Schanzer; Mrs. Ruchi Stern, Mrs. Esti Schwimmer and Mrs. Rachelle Stern; Mrs. Shelley Zinkin, Mrs. Gila Gerszberg and Mrs. Devora Zinkin. Tours of the mikvah took place after the event. The lecture can be downloaded by clicking here.
Park Mikvah and Irgun Shiurai Torah presented a Shovavim Project Lecture for Women by Mrs. Debbie Greenblatt on the topic of “A Journey Towards Intimacy, The Mystery and Practicality of Taharas Mishpacha” on Feb. 12, 2017. Mrs. Debbie Greenblatt has been involved in teaching and counseling Jewish women for over twenty-five years. Mrs. Greenblatt speaks on topics related to Jewish thought, personal relationships and textual based education. She is a founder of the Women’s Division of Gateways and gives classes in the New York metropolitan area as well as across the country. The lecture can be downloaded by clicking here.